About us

Something About us!

Awan Rubber Industries was founded 1975 in Pakistan on the principal of providing our customers with 100% conformance to their engineering specifications and on-time delivery at a competitive price. At the turn of the century, the highest quality of rubber came directly from rubber trees in Srilnka. From 1975 and forward into the 21st century, AWAN stands for superior quality and service.

AWAN operates on the principal of supplying industry with standardized Rubber products. The economy of mass production, brought convenience and a profitable edge to manufacturers that adapted their specifications to Awan's catalog items.

AWAN processing capabilities, expertise in numerous materials, and responsive customer service that delivers solutions. . . even when those solutions lead to custom requirements.

Mission Statement

The associates of AWAN RUBBER INDUSTRIES are committed to providing our customers with 100% conformance to their engineering specifications, with on time delivery, at a competitive price. Our continuous quality improvement process, with total employee involvement, is designed for the mutual benefit of our associates and the end users for our products.
